Key Parameters considered during the Psychometric tests


Article by:

Saritha Dhulipudi, Sr. Consultant
HR Footprints Management Services Pvt. Ltd.
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In our previous blog posts, we have discussed all about psychometric tests, their uses and benefits along with recent experiences. What are all the key parameters that are to be considered  while performing these tests?

right-wrong-check-marksThere is no right or wrong answer for these tests and they have to be done in isolation else the results may vary due to various factors. Also while administering the test the candidates have to be explained properly about the guidelines. Also the employer who is evaluating the candidate profile should be aware of the tool that is being administered and he/she needn’t be certified as these days the reports are generated in the easy language.

An organization also have to evaluate and identify the right tool based on the objective130313004800-enneagram-personality-types-story-top. These tests usually give inputs of personality types, fears and motivators of a person and they have to be interpreted properly and probe the candidate on these aspects during the personal interview and then decide for a selection or rejection.  These tests also gives areas of development for each candidate and they can be used for their further development and help him to grow in their career.